• CSI Asirvad Complex, Bishop Azariah School Compound, Labbipet, Vijayawada.


Adolescent Couseling


Adolescent is defined as neither child nor adult. This is the phase of life full of changes, physicall and emotionally.

For a girl mothers usually provides information regarding menstruation but for a boy fathers are not that supportive.

Boys have fear of first emmission i.e. first seminal discharge. They are also afraid of night discharge of seminal fluid. They are not comfortable with the spontaneuos erections.

They need to tell about the scientific basis of these changes in their body.

Adolescent Couseling


Defining sex counselling in simple way is "Relearning the sexual pleasure".

Sex counselling can be - individual, couple or group.

Many a times a good sex counselling can solve the sexual problems of an individual.